FR: July 22-29, 2023: Week 5

Family Reunion

735 Peacocks landed by 4 anglers

5th week of our season and we were delighted to host our long-time friend Paolo and his family. Competition was fierce, the young boys managed to take the lead on the first days of the week. Ole’ fishermen experience paid dividends in the end and taught the younglings a lesson on fishing. A 16 pounder was boated and was the biggest of the week. Choppers were most productive during the morning, but the heat of the day forced the fish to find colder and deeper waters.

Weather: Still stable, our guests enjoyed sunny skies only and minimum cloud cover. Water level is receding and half an inch per day. Our River Train will continue its journey downstream in search of the most productive waters. Our South East Zone forecasts show clear skies ahead.

Groups: 1

Anglers: 4

Peacock Bass Count: 735*

Biggest: 16lbs

Over 8lbs: 36

*Other less aggressive tropical species were left out of the fishing tally.

(Click on the table to see it full size)

3-Month Rain Anomaly Forecast In Our Four Fishing Dry Zones

(Valid for August-September-October)

Source: CPTEC/INPE, Brazil