Mid-Week Fishing Report: Dec. 14 – 21, 2019 (2 ½ days)
Week end´s tally (2 ½ days):
Note: this 2 1/2 days report is to rush last weekend’s conditions to our incoming anglers.
Itapará in Dry-Zone N. East -: Last Saturday we received the Sherman group of 8 anglers. They had a slow start having to endure some significant rain episodes that seriously affected their yields. Water levels are still a bit high; dropping tendency is expected to resume once the rain passes in the next days. Please see forecast below.
Omero/Maú fishery in Dry-Zone N. East -: Last Sunday we received the Rose group of 6 anglers. They had a great start landing over 500 peacock bass plus a varied mix in the basket including aruanas, pirarucus, piorapitinga, matrinxa, etc. Joao pepino and jigs are the best working lures. Forecast promises that they will be enjoying great fishing conditions until the weekend when some rain is expected.
Today´s Average Water Levels:
in Dry-Zone N. East
Omero lakes and Maú river in Dry-Zone N.East
Itapará fishery in Dry-Zone N.East
Guess work
The Omero lakes and the Maú river present good water levels, dropping and very fishable. Tendency is confirmed by the forecasts for Caracarai, and Barcelos (see below), that show no important rainfall accummulation.
The Itapará river still presents water levels a bit on the high side but fishable, having endured some significant rain episodes during the weekend, water levels have stabilized and dropping tendency is expected to resume shortly, please see forecast below for Rorainopolis and Caracarai.

The cuadrangle within Barcelos, Santa Isabel do Rio Negro, Caracaraí and Rorainopolis in the area of influence of our Upper Jufaris and Itapará fisheries forecasts above showing no extraordinary rain episodes in the coming days.
Find below the quarterly rainfall for Dec, Jan, Feb showing that we should expect normal rainfall in the area of our private fisheries (white – red circle marker).
Find below the anomaly forecast for the coming fortnight
Water level measurements at the Caracarai station (see below) are now within the historical parameters. Please see red circle in stations map above. The Itapará drains into de Branco river and will resume dropping tendency accordingly.
Note: red line are 2019 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic minimum
Water level measurements at the Barcelos station (see below) continue to be within the historical parameters. The Jufaris and Kabori fishery drains directly at the Negro river in the area of influence of this station. Please see red circle in stations map above.
Note: red line are 2019 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic minimum