Mid-Week Fishing Report: Feb 22 – 24, 2020 (2 ½ days)
Week end´s tally (2 ½ days):
Note: this 2 1/2 days report is to rush last weekend’s conditions to our incoming anglers.
Xeruini in Dry-Zone N. East –: Last weekend we received the Blocker group of 8 anglers who are enjoying great fishing conditions and had a good start landing over 270 peacock bass, largest of which weighed 18lbs. River keeps dropping and fishing conditions are expected to be good in the coming days.
Jufaris in Dry-Zone N. East -: The Sprague group of 6 arrived last Saturday to the Upper part of this fishery, they landed over 300 peacock bass. Excellent fishing conditions during the weekend and forecast for the coming days without any significant rain episodes (pls. see below). Great top water action, ideal for fly fishing.
Itapará in Dry-Zone N. East -: This week we are hosting the Biegler group of 8 anglers. They are enjoying perfect fishing conditions and have already landed over 500 peacock bass, largest of which weighed above 18lbs. Water levels keep dropping, fishing conditions for the coming days are expected to be excellent (pls. see forecast below).
All hosts report great top water action and we are hosting this week several fly-fishermen.
NOTE: Next week will be our last week fishing in our private fisheries for this Season. Our preservation metrics are showing that we are reaching the limits set in our sustainability policies, thus we are suspending operations until next season after next week´s groups.
Today´s Average Water Levels:
in Dry-Zone N. East
All fisheries in Dry-Zone N.East
Guess work
Jufaris, Xeruini, and Itapará fisheries are within their optimum levels. Dropping tendency is firm, please see forecast below for the triangle Barcelos, Caracarai and Rorainopolis. The Upper parts of the rivers are leading the tendency.

The triangle within Barcelos, Caracaraí and Rorainopolis in the area of influence of our Xeruini, Jufaris and Itapará fisheries forecasts above showing almost no significant rain episodes in the coming days, some mild rain episodes towards the Barcelos area of influence are expected.
ind below the quarterly rainfall for Feb, Mar, Apr, showing that we should expect below normal rainfall in the area of our private fisheries (red), confirming dropping tendency for the quarter.
Find below the anomaly forecast for the coming fortnight:
Water level measurements at the Caracarai station (see below) are now within the historical parameters. Please see red circle in stations map above. The Xeruini, Omero and Itapará drain into de Branco river and will keep dropping.
Note: red line are 2019 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic minimum
Water level measurements at the Tapuruquara station (Santa Isabel do Rio Negro) are within the historical parameters, Jufaris river draining into the rio Negro is expected to continue dropping tendency. Please see red circle in stations map above.
Note: red line are 2019 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic minimum