MID-WEEK FISHING REPORT: NOV. 25 – 27, 2017 (2 ½ DAYS)
20 anglers arrived last Saturday to three of our Floating – Suites camps, and fished at the Xeruini, Jufaris and Kabori private fisheries. The overall yield exceeded the 1.000 landed peacock bass in 2 1/2 days with several trophies over the 17lbs mark, one 19 lbs and two 20 lbs.
Water levels descended in all three fisheries and are reaching their optimum levels, no significant rain episodes were reported and forecasts for the rest of the week show that they will be enjoying excellent fishing conditions.
We have a mix of baitcasters and fly-fishermen. Camp reports that best working lures are helice, joao pepino, choppers, and poppers for our fly-fishermen. Lots of intense surface action. Other species caught include, piranhas, bicudas, peixe cachorro, trairas.

Water levels are high and closed for the season, which is normal for this time of the year. Plus, the maximum support capacity of 1mile per angler was reached with a total of 48 anglers
Water levels same as above. Plus, the maximum support capacity of 1 mile per angler was reached with a total of 86 anglers
Dry-Zone N.WestWater levels keep descending and are expected to reach their optimum levels in the coming days. Headwaters of the Jufaris and Xeruini are improving their yields by the day. No significant rain episodes are expected for the rest of the week.
Water levels keep dropping rapidly, presenting spots with excellent fishing conditions, we have started fishing at the Kabori with excellent results. Forecasts are excellent also.