MID-WEEK FISHING REPORT: OCT. 07 – 09, 2017 (2 1/2 DAYS)
Fly-in Floating Suites at the Matupiri river are moving towards the productive headwaters of the river. Last week´s group landed 1.336 peacock bass with 36 fish over 10lbs. with a couple over 18lbs. Anglers arriving last Saturday are enjoying great fishing. Yozuri, perversa and jigs are the best working lures this week.
The Jufaris private fishery in the N.West dry-zone has been opened for the season with two floating-suites operations with two parties. Water levels are dropping at a good rate. Anglers arriving last Saturday had some rain episodes to endure but managed to land an average of over 70 peacock bass per boat, as well as bicudas, jacundas and piranhas.
Dry -zone S.East is closed for the season and Dry-zone N.East is not yet open. One Floating -Suites operation has arrived at the Jurubaxis private fishery which will open shortly.

RIVERS: MATUPIRI, IGAPO ACU (see map at the top).
Water levels on the Madeira River, the drainage of Matupiri and Igapo Acu, are stable (see graphic water level below). This fact, along with the weather forecast, imply that peacock bass fishing conditions will continue to be excellent which is a good fall back in case the Northern fisheries are a little late in reaching lower levels.

The above diagram depicts the rainfall probability for the next three months. The light green zone in the North forecasts a probability of about 35% that the rainfall will be above the historical mean. Therefore, the dry water cycle is expected to develop almost normal in the coming months in the North of Manaus (Dry-Zones N.West and N.East).
Water levels on the Negro River, the drainage of rivers Jurubaxi, Jufaris and Xeruini, are descending at a good pace, and are moving towards their low historic level (see graphic water level below). This fact, together with the weather forecast for the rest of the week, indicates that peacock bass fishing conditions at the Jufaris should continue to improve for arriving anglers . See weather forecast for Moura below. The Jurubaxi is still a bit high due to recent rainfall at the headwaters.

Water level chart for the Negro River where the blue line represents actual levels, the yellow line represents last year´s extremely low levels, and the red line historical extreme low water levels.

Luis Brown presenting River Plate Angler´s profit sharing policy to the Indian communities on the Jurubaxis river to foster a long-term conservation management plan.