Month: October 2018
Mid-Week Fishing Report: Oct. 06 – 08, 2018 (2 ½ days)
33-year record on the 2nd day on opening week at the famed Uneuixi-Roçado
Tuesday Oct.10th, 2018, a date that 7 anglers fishing at the Uneuixi-Roçado will never forget. The tally started with a 22 lbs. peacock bass and continued with 21,21,20,20,19,19,18,17,17,17 lbs and up to 84 landed peacock bass in one single day!
We all know how everyone gets excited a new destination for super trophy Peacock Bass fishing. Well, this is it! During River Plate´s 30-years in the Amazon, the Uneuixi-Roçado private fishery was the best-of- the-best for trophies, (even better than River Plate´s famed Unini), until it was closed down in 2005, but after many negotiations with the Indian authorities we re-opened just last month . In 2005 one of our last parties ( David Isaac´s party from Canadian ,Tx) landed 46 “twenty pounders” of which 6 were within 23-24 lbs ,and over 100 peacocks were in the 16-19 pound category. In another previous party , one angler, only , agent Alan Zaremba of Hollywood, Florida landed eight peacocks over 20 pounds with the largest at 24 pounds. River Plate never again matched these weekly results.
To sustain the historical high number of trophies per angler, we have limited this private-water 200 nautical mile fishery to only 72 anglers from August through early December.
Although the Uneuixi-Roçado as of today, stands as the industrie´s best ever fishery for trophies landed in ones single day, water levels are still a bit high for Dry Zone N. West. (see map below)
Simultaneously we received two groups at the Matupiri / Igapo-Acu system, where although the water levels are not ideal, they still landed over 1.000 peacock bass over the weekend and 1.543 for the complete previous week Fishing has dropped since waters are not ideal, and we are approaching our maximum support of 1.6 mile per angler plus the nesting season is initiating . We will be resting this fishery for the season with only 6 weeks of fishing.
We will be posting pictures in next week´s report.

Mid-Week Fishing Report: Sept. 29 – Oct. 01, 2018 (2 ½ days)
Breaking waters at the Igapó Açu river private fishery

Dry-Zone S.West
Water levels are still a bit high but very fishable, they are expected to keep dropping. The Matupiri/ Igapó Açu basin is midway between Humaita and Itacoatiara stations (see diagrams below) confirming our forecast.
Note: red line are 2018 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic 1969 minimum.

Rainfall forecast for Oct. Nov. Dec. : NOTE that the yellow area at the North affecting the Amazon basin and our fisheries makes us believe that it might have a positive influence (70%) in our fisheries, averting extreme high water levels for the rest of the season.

Weather forecast for Borba, in the area of influence of the Matupiri private fishery shows no significant rain episodes for the rest of the week, supporting the expected water level dropping trend.
(beige in map above) Dry-Zone N.West
Water levels are high and have already started dropping in the Santa Isabel area (Tapurucuara - see graph below). It is still closed for the season, which is normal for this time of the year. Water level graphs, indicate that most probably this Season we will be having a similar pattern as last year at the Negro and Branco basins.
Note: red line are 2018 water levels, the light blue strip is the 15 to 85% probability, the dotted line is the median and the yellow line is the historic 1980 minimum.

Dry-Zone N.East
Water levels are still high in the Branco basin, and they have already started dropping. It is still closed for the season, which is normal for this time of the year.
Dry-Zone S.East
The region will be closed until next season in 2019.